NihonMura translates as Japan Village which mean is we want to create an online gathering place for people who love Japan.

Also We want to create a world where people who love Japanese culture and products, and can be more easily to get the latest information about Japan.

Free consultations are available!

Talk to a variety of experts about your concerns for free!
Many people have asked me specialized questions, and if it is something I cannot answer, I will give you the best answer through experts.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Get in touch

We will make your wants come true.


Gofer is a service we provide for people who wants to buy items from Japan that are not available in your country or is unreasonably expensive. Often, items that are cheap or readily available in Japan, are sold at a very high price or even counterfeited and sold as cheaper alternatives. 

How to Use gofer


We have an affiliate program with rewards for those who support our movement and our ideas. The reward is not high because we are generating a small amount of profit, but we are looking for people who are willing to cooperate with us.


We need your help Please spread the word.🙇

We give a portion of our sales back to Japanese producers.

In Japan, traditional crafts and agriculture are declining year by year due to lack of successors. The funds are used to pay for activities to make such traditions known to people around the world.

We also plan to sell traditional Japanese crafts